Candy canes are weird

I don't particulary like candy canes. The minty taste isn't right for how sweet it is in my opinon and they are a bit too big to quickly take as a snack. But some how they can not be avoided in the holliday season. We got three from our Grandparents on the last saint Nicolas celebration (probably because they had been gifted them too and needed to get rid of them) and they where hanging in our christmas tree ever since. The christmass tree is gone now and the candy canes are still here, wel two atleast. I was struggeling finding things to eat and I resorted to the cany cane lying around. As I was eating it I realised what a strange type of candy it actually is. So i started to look things up.

First of, how dangarous is a canycane? Everyone that has had a cany cane in their life knows that by sucking on it you can easily shape it into a sharp point. Eventhough the point is sharp it is also very fragile.There are very little -phisical- excitdents directly from canycanes let a lone deaths (I figure that someone could have choked on it but even that is not a reported incedent) but I did find some other things related to the pointy-nes of candy canes one of them this artical about using them as shifs(daggers) in prison. And also this amazing video of a guy who tested the sharpness of the cany cane!

use this link instead:

As I was looking that up and rememberd how much I dislike the taste of candy canes I wonderd, How many candycanes are actually eaten during the christmas season and not thrown away? Or does only my family dislike candycanes? Well it turns out that that is information not that hard to get.

If cany canes are not so populair as a candy them selfs, Why are they so well known and everywhere during the hollidays? And why are they even conected to the holiday? The first one is not that hard to first make an hipotisys on; They are aesthetically pleasing, they are pretty. And by now inbedded into our tradition. Combined with the companies and the fast market they become hard to think away. It turns out that this cany has a complicated background and mutiple stories.