hi welcome!

my name is Mars and this is my little corner of the interweb! i have big plans for this website but that is gonna take a while since that probably involes js and I am curently learning html and css. which is going suprisingly well! im going to make a page with code that has my plans. for now big credits to sadgirl onlline for this home page. i am from the netherlands so if you wanna check out the dutch version of this side cllick the button to the right, (will work eventually for now my dutch school prodjects are in here too, working on spinnen/spiders so spider warning but it looks good)

at the moment:

  • currently playing: psyconauts
  • currently watchig: (agatha all along??)
  • currently reading: a still live of crows. and a whole lot of fanfictiion


added the comic book collection page
fixed a few errors
made a scrool bar section! and devided my right side bar
fixed the left side bar but now that and the nav bar are the only things left that show up... yay! i did it!!
i tried to ad boarders and the ability to scroll in them but obv failed idk. imma be late for work :/
added the updates part. and broke the previuly exsisting side barss -_-. how idk and idk how to fix it im frustrated.


happy new year!!!!!!!!! we where messing around with combining some small fireworks. and ofcourse a lot of pretty big ones
party with friends!! there was alchahol involved i love playing games
i am going to start on a new prodject! in our front yard we have got two little sheds for our bikes we hve a roof that is slanted both ways on them. my plan is to make green roofs out of them. one will be in the shadow so will get more verns and other shadow ttolerant plants and the other in the sun will be more based of sedum of herbs/flowers. im pretty sure the easiest for that one will be to use pre made mats. or im going to have to convince my parents to seed them. but we'll see
this is a statue of one of the creatures from the paintings by Jeronimes Bosh in S'Herthogenbosh.
more interesting media, this time about biological farming. https://npo.nl/start/serie/zembla/seizoen-21/het-excuus-van-de-boerenleenbank
fun at my intership
watched an interesting piece of media at school: https://www.vpro.nl/programmas/tegenlicht/kijk/afleveringen/2022-2023/welkom-in-het-symbioceen.html and put up the christmas tree!
My girlfriend is amazing. just wanna put that out there. after breakfast she polissed my nails, i havent had my nails done since purple fryday last year. but it looks preaty metal. back home i hurried to get lunch and bike to drama, after all we are having our yearly playbackshow in some time so we got assinged our songs and had to guess which song was for who. like each year that is a ton of fun to do. my group of 4 actually won by 3 points suprisingly, here is the play list whit all of fthe songs i gotttttttttttttitanium! from sia! here is the playlist with all of the songs this year. back home, around 1800 (absolutly soaked cuz it was storming and raining) we did the sinterklaas celebration with my family ,(and actually had the same thing for dinne, tradition is tradition haha) grandparents included. ton of fun! played some poker after. here is a picture of the suprise i got yessterday and most of the rest of my pressents:
school always takes so long on fridays :/ especally with the amount of travel. we did make it a fun dat though, had a fireplace video on the big diggi board in most classes and we watched a presetation of a prodject the gardener kids are starting. not such a busy day. in the train back i comeletly forgot i hadn't writen a rhyme for the suprieses yet. so ii huried an did that in the train it turned out p okay. (with help from my dad) i got home around 1700 and had to hury with packaging my presents for our sinterklaas celebration at my girlfriends house. acctually ended up missing my train that whent to her town so i took the one to the town before and het mom picked me up there. we had a lovely dinner. and an awsome night with lots of games(like the new pickonimo we got, and my gf's lil broter and me tried really hard to solve his new 4x4 cube) pressents and well written rhymes. i got an amazing rhyme and helloween band shirt from Richard. here are some pictures of the suprise i made and more fun pictures:(ill put the pressents i got in tomorrow)
i dont know how ive managed to do it what and when, but im so excited about this and have so many ideas that ive become comepleatly overwhelmed. i want to make so many cool and buetifull things and i have the same passion and overwhelming feeling for all of my home work and im getting so stressed. its 5-12 today and you know what that means! well i gguess you dont and it doesnt matter for me today because im celebrating tomorow. we are making suprises for eachother. thats an other deadline and pressure that is freaking me out. its all leading me to just not doing anything and that makes me upseat becouse i do love it yk. ugh. idk its all so much and i dont have time to give it its place.
me and my girlfriend have ben togheter for one year today! im so happy and i love her verry much. i bouth her flowers and we got dinner eventhough its a school night. she got me an amazing bracelet with the cutest picture of her. i love her so much she makes me whole.
*page heavily underconstruction!!* but welcome!! curently working on *spinnen*